Everything Happens to Me
1. The Gal That Got Away / It Never Entered My Mind
2. Everything Happens To Me
3. Once Upon A Time
4. Summer Wind
5. Once I Loved (O Amor En Paz)
6. If I Had You
7. What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?
8. The Second Time Around
9. I Hadn't Anyone Till You
10. Come Rain Or Come Shine
11. More Than You Know
12. If You Go Away
13. Yesterday
14. Drinking Again
15. I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her
16. How Insensitive (Insensatez)
17. Didn't We?
18. All My Tomorrows
19. Put Your Dreams Away
Everything Happens to Me ist ein Compilation-Album, das 1996 auf CD erschien.
Album-Titel/ Format plus Infos/ Label/ Katalognummer/ Land/ Veröffentlichungsjahr
Everything Happens To Me CD, Compilation Reprise Records 9362-46116-2 US 1996
Everything Happens To Me CD, Compilation Reprise Records 9362-46116-2 Europe 1996
Everything Happens To Me CD, Compilation Reprise Records 9 46116-2 US 1996
Everything Happens To Me CD, Compilation Reprise Records CDW 46116 Canada 1996
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