You've Got Me Where You Want Me


You've Got Me Where You Want Me

Text & Musik

Johnny Mercer und Harry Warren (1944)

The song information, presented in English, has been translated from the original German text and follows below.

Main Event Infos

  • Geschichte
  • Übersetzung
  • Diskographie

"You've Got Me Where You Want Me" ist ein Lied aus dem Jahr 1944 mit Texten von Johnny Mercer und Musik von Harry Warren und ist ein Lied über die Macht der Liebe und die Anziehungskraft einer bestimmten Person. Frank Sinatra sang den Song am 23.08.1944 in seiner Radiosendung "Frank Sinatra In Person" mit Eileen Barton & The Vimms Vocalists. Leider liegt uns dieser Song zur weiteren Analyse nicht vor.

© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event

23.08.1944 Radio, Kalifornien, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Frank Sinatra In Person

Main Event Infos (English version)

"You've Got Me Where You Want Me" is a 1944 song that explores the themes of love's power and the allure of a particular individual. The lyrics were written by Johnny Mercer, while the music was composed by Harry Warren. Frank Sinatra performed this song on his radio show "Frank Sinatra In Person" on August 23, 1944, accompanied by Eileen Barton and The Vimms Vocalists. Regrettably, we do not have access to this song for a more detailed analysis.

© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event

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