Ask Anyone Who Knows
Ask Anyone Who Knows
Text & Musik
Eddie Seiler, Sol Marcus und Al Kaufman
The song information, presented in English, has been translated from the original German text and follows below.
Main Event Infos
- Geschichte
- Übersetzung
- Diskographie
“Ask Anyone Who Knows” wurde 1947 von Eddie Seiler, Sol Marcus und Al Kaufman geschrieben und von der amerikanischen Gesangsgruppe “The Ink Spots” aufgenommen und am 27. Februar 1947 veröffentlicht.
Sinatra sang den Song am 20.09. und 27.09.1947 in seiner Radiosendung "Your Hit Parade".
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event
20.09.1947 Radio, New York, New York City, Your Hit Parade
27.09.1947 Radio, Kalifornien, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Your Hit Parade
Main Event Infos (English version)
"Ask Anyone Who Knows," a song composed in 1947 by Eddie Seiler, Sol Marcus, and Al Kaufman, was recorded by the American vocal group "The Ink Spots" and released on February 27, 1947.
Frank Sinatra performed this song on his radio show, "Your Hit Parade," on September 20 and 27, 1947.
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event