As Long As I'm Dreaming
As Long As I'm Dreaming
Text & Musik
Johnny Burke & Jimmy Van Heusen
The song information, presented in English, has been translated from the original German text and follows below.
Main Event Infos
- Geschichte
- Übersetzung
- Diskographie
Sinatra singt den Song "As Long As I'm Dreaming", den Johnny Burke und Jimmy Van Heusen für den Bing Crosby Film "Welcome Stranger" schrieben, in der Radiosendung Songs By Sinatra am 21.05.1947 kurz an. Das Lied besagt, dass man in seinen Träumen alles haben kann, was man sich wünscht, auch wenn es in der Realität nicht möglich ist.
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event
21.05.1947 Radio, Kalifornien, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Songs By Sinatra
Main Event Infos (English version)
On his radio show "Songs By Sinatra" on May 21, 1947, Sinatra gave a brief performance of the song "As Long As I'm Dreaming." This song, penned by Johnny Burke and Jimmy Van Heusen for the Bing Crosby film "Welcome Stranger," suggests that dreams can provide everything one desires, even if those desires are unattainable in reality.
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event