And Then It's Heaven
And Then It's Heaven
Text & Musik
Al Kaufman, Sol Marcus & Eddie Seiler
The song information, presented in English, has been translated from the original German text and follows below.
Main Event Infos
- Geschichte
- Übersetzung
- Diskographie
Al Kaufman, Sol Marcus und Eddie Seiler schrieben 1946 den Song "And Then It's Heaven", den Sinatra am 13.11.1946 in seiner Radiosendung "Songs By Sinatra" sang.
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event
13.11.1946 Radio, New York, New York City, Songs By Sinatra
Main Event Infos (English version)
The song "And Then It's Heaven," composed by Al Kaufman, Sol Marcus, and Eddie Seiler in 1946, was performed by Sinatra on his radio show, "Songs By Sinatra," on November 13, 1946.