How Many Hearts Have You Broken?
How Many Hearts Have You Broken?
Text & Musik
Mel Kaufman und Marty Symes
The song information, presented in English, has been translated from the original German text and follows below.
Main Event Infos
- Geschichte
- Übersetzung
- Diskographie
Das Lied “How Many Hearts Have You Broken?” wurde 1944 von den Songwritern Mel Kaufman (Text) und Marty Symes (Musik) geschrieben.
Frank Sinatra sang den Song 1944 zweimal in der Radiosendung "Your Hit Parade".
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event
14.10.1944 Radio, New York, New York City, Your Hit Parade
25.11.1944 Radio, New York, New York City, Your Hit Parade
Main Event Infos (English version)
The song "How Many Hearts Have You Broken?" was penned in 1944 by lyricists Mel Kaufman and Marty Symes.
In 1944, Frank Sinatra performed this song twice on the radio program "Your Hit Parade".
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event